••••••••• Welcome to CK •••••••••
CK is distributed under the SHAREWARE system. If you keep and use this program, please remit $15 US to the author. Please note the CK version number shown below with your shareware payment. Make all checks payable to: Fernando Salazar, and send to the address below. Also, please include any suggestions, comments, and (sadly!) bug-reports you may have.
Documentation for CK is available from on-line services, user's groups, and bulletin boards. Please, SEND NO DISKS. The author cannot be responsible for their return.
CK is NOT RELEASED to the PUBLIC DOMAIN; full copyright is retained by the author. Individuals may copy and distribute this program ONLY under the following conditions:
(1): NOT for profit.
(2): with the express understanding
It is requested that users groups and other mass distributors of shareware notify the author before distributing CK.